Storage World: Daiwa Fishing Tackle Storage Solutions- Simon Goldsmith

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Tackle and gear storage should never be underestimated when it comes to fishing. Not only does it ensure that your gear and tackle is safe, secure, and in optimum condition, it also helps make your angling time easier, more effective, and ultimately more fun.

Whether it’s shore game angling that your into, kayaking, or hitching the big boat on Daiwa has many storage options designed to make your angling easier and fish filled.

With this focus in mind lets run through some of the standout storage solutions in the range and some of the must-have items I always have close at hand when I hit the water.

A Cover Up

A self-confessed reel addict, there’s only one thing nicer than a hot looking spinning or baitcaster reel and that’s one that’s in perfect condition. Daiwa’s neoprene reel covers are the way to ensure you keep you reels in perfect condition and for me are a must have for every reel that I own.

Whether sitting on a shelf in my tackle cupboard or crammed into the rod locker of my boat with a dozen rigged outfits I always have a neoprene cover on my reels. In the hand or on the deck of the boat waiting to being picked up and used are the only times that my reels don’t wear a cover.

A little OTT (Over The Top) perhaps but experience has show me that most damage to a reel doesn’t occur when it’s being used but rather when it’s being transported, stored, or inadvertently dropped when it’s not being used.

Covering up also helps protect the reel and line from UV damage, dust, and prying eyes.

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Egi Excellence

While deigned for the egi angler on the go the Emeraldas Flap Bag is just as suited for the non-egi shore game angler who likes to travel light and stay mobile. Made from super tough denier material and featuring an adjustable shoulder strap this comfortable traveller bag has room for two Emeraldas cases, and features two tool slots, and a velco fastern on the flap for quick and easy bag access.

The Emeraldas cases while designed for squid jigs can also be used for your favourite bream or bass hardbodies, with its clear sides making it easy to find (see) your lure without the need for zipping open the case to find where it is.

The small model in particular features a carabiner clip making it ideal for clipping to your belt or attachment on the outside of your bag.

The ultimate in squid jig storage the Emeraldas cases are available in varying sizes, integrate perfectly with all Emeraldas bags and products, and of course feature the Emeraldas design and style that have made the name so famous.


I’ve Got Worms

Storing your soft plastics can be a conundrum for many. Do you leave in them in their packets, do you take them out and store them in tackle trays? For me it’s always been a case of leaving them in their packets. This allows me to keep my plastics cleaner and fresher and also allows me more freedom when it comes to catergorising my plastics and swapping different plastics in and out of my boat. In the past I’ve stored my plastics in clear click-clack Sistema storage containers, these days however I tend to opt for Daiwa Worm Sleeves.

With the Worm Sleeves I can have dedicated sleeves for dedicated plastics styles. A sleeve for bass paddle tails, one for bream grubs, one for soft jerkbaits, and so on. This allows me to grab the sleeve that I need for the style of fishing I’m heading out to do. This flexibility, combined with the storage pocket underneath the flap which provides a perfect location to stash terminal such as jigheads, hooks, and weights, make the Worm Sleeve ideal for soft plastic anglers who like to fish on the run.

If you’re a non-boater fishing bream or bass tournaments the Worm Sleeve is a must have for travelling light, and for quick access to your soft plastics.

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Harden Up

For anglers looking for similar speeds and flexibility in their hardbody storage the Lure Sleeve is the item that you’re looking for. The same concept as the clear-sided Emeraldas cases the Lure Sleeve is designed with small and mid sized hardbodies in mind.

While a godsend for tournament non-boaters or shoregame anglers chasing trout, bream, and bass I’m also a fan of using the Lure Sleeve in the boat. I’m not alone when it comes to opening the tackle hatch of my boat and seeing a 10-20 tackle trays looking back at me. More often than not I know which lures I want out of those 10-20 trays, however being able to find them quickly, easily and have them right at hand be a pain.

This is where the Lure Sleeve comes into play for me. I can have the sleeve preloaded with my go-to lures, eliminating wasted time, and getting me on the water and fishing sooner rather than later. My ‘go-to wrap’ is something I often get together the night before, or the week before a trip, and is a great way to get mentally and tackle ready for a trip or session.


Tackle Happy

For the angler looking to carry plenty of gear the Large Tackle Organiser is what you’re looking for. Made from denier, rubber, and ultra tough nylon, this bag will take a tonne of punishment. Loaded with four large tackle trays, and featuring an adjustable removable shoulder strap, carry handle, multiple pockets and storage compartments, and attachment toggles this is bag that is tailor made for the mobile tournament pro, season rock angler, or a family of bait-fishing loving holiday makers.


So there you have it a selection of some of my favorite storage options and handful of Daiwa’s innovative and design focused storage ideas. Whatever style of fishing you’re into there’s a Daiwa storage product that will help make your time on the water easier and more effective. To find out more about Daiwa’s luggage and storage products visit

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